Code to the Future

The Cycles

Computer Science curriculum is taught in 3 cycles. Each cycle is prefaced by a full 3 days of training for teachers to get familiar with the content as well as to strategize how they can include the Computer Science concepts in their daily teaching. Each cycle builds on itself culminating in a rounded understanding by the end of each grade year of the concepts of programming.

Students work on their projects in each cycle to prepare for the "Epic Build" which will showcase their progress through each cycle. Parents and Community members are invited to come and explore what their students worked hard to create during the cycle.

Cycle 1 Grade 6,7,8 Science - Codesters - Students learn fundamentals of python scripting and how they can build video games using this coding language.

Epic Build - Students demonstrate their learned knowledge by building their own video games based off of python code and using the codesters platform

Cycle 2 All 6th gradeCycle 2 All 6th grade ELA (Core)- Codecademy - Students learn the fundamentals of programming languages such as html, css, java to create their own websites and learn how programming is utilized on the web

Epic Build - Students demonstrate their learned knowledge by building their own websites that utilize both java and css programming for visual changes and content displayed

Middle School Elective 1Middle School Elective 1 - Arduino - Students will learn how to build small computers called Arduino's that can carry out tasks based off of scripting languages. They learn how these small computers can be used in the modern world of internet connected things!

Middle School Elective 2Middle School Elective 2 - VexRobotics - Students will learn how to build Vex Robotics and how they can program them to travel great distances or go through complicated obstacle courses. Students will have an opportunity to work with the Vex Robotics team at Shasta High School for competitions in regional competitions.

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